Van Rijp voor de Sloop naar Rijksmonument | 20 Dec 2024
Momenteel wordt bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed de balans opgemaakt voor het selecteren van nieuwe Rijksmonumenten uit de periode 1965-1990 in Nederland.
Cultuurhistorisch erfgoed is van cruciaal belang, en daarom zou ik zeker de karakteristieke publieke kunstwerken willen noemen, die in de jaren zeventig en begin jaren tachtig zijn gerealiseerd in de metrostations van de Amsterdamse Oostlijn. Deze kunstwerken vormen een integraal onderdeel en zijn van dezelfde tijd als de metrostations.

Ornament Is Crime | 12 Dec 2024
Did you know that Martijn Sandberg, before he realized the artwork 'Forever in Stone', had to sign a special contract that prohibited him from speaking what is written in stone? Well, now you know. Read the full story here.

‘Herz’ or ‘Ein Herz für Helen’? | 10 May 2024
This is a story that probably won't interest anyone. It's a long story. It starts in 1982 and lasts until 2024. Long story short.
A painting by Walter Dahn, titled 'Herz' (1982), is now on view at the exhibition 'Gewaltige Kraft - die explosive Malerei der jungen Wilden' in Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden (D).
I saw this painting for the first time in 1982 at an exhibition by Walter Dahn in the Helen van der Meij Gallery in Amsterdam. And now, many years later, I saw the painting again in the recent exhibition in Museum Villa Rot.

A Little Ode Or An Insult? | 18 April 2024
'Hallucinations' is the title of a series of drawings on aluminium. The aluminium surface plays with light and creates a ‘chiaroscuro’ of alternating light and dark tones within the sequence of drawings. Viewed from different sight angles, a radiant message appears and disappears in the reflecting lines: 'Image Not Found', 'Space For Rent', 'Nothing New Under The Sun', 'Wer Nichts Weiss Malt Einen Kreis'.

An Offer You Can’t Refuse | 12 February 2024
In 2004, I received an invitation to visit the Head Office of TPG Post in The Hague. I was asked whether I would design a stamp. That sounded to my ears like an ‘offer you can’t refuse’.

Long Live Art! | 31 October 2023
Anyone may read and uncover the figuration every day anew: ‘I am still alive’. As well as celebrating life, the work of art offers a tribute to art. The artwork itself declares: ‘I am still alive’. Long live art!

A painting by Maarten Ploeg at ‘Cut Painting!’ | 18 March 2023
In 1985, I viewed this painting through the eyes of a teenager at a Maarten Ploeg exhibition in the Amsterdam Gallery Jurka. I saw the same painting again in the BPD Art Collection depot, as I was selecting art works from storage for the exhibition 'Cut Painting!'. The Maarten Ploeg painting now forms part of the artworks I have assembled on the walls of the Burgerweeshuis.

Three paintings by Lucassen in ‘Cut Painting!’ | 24 February 2023
I have compiled three paintings by Reinier Lucassen in the 'Cut Painting!' exhibition, dating from various years. Next to each other all in a row, I have shaped Lucassen's work into a triptych on the wall opposite the interior playground belonging to the former Burgerweeshuis.

The Other Side Of Painting | 22 February 2023
Take a look at the other side of painting. - Portrait of the artist with back of a painting by Lucassen. (photo by: Atelier Rinzema)

Groeten uit de Nieuwmarkt | 21 februari 2023
Het heeft een tijdje geduurd, maar het ensemble van kunstwerken in metrostation Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam, is nu eindelijk weer compleet en hersteld.
Louis Van Gasteren maakte samen met Jan Sierhuis, Bert Griepink, Roel van den Ende en Tine Hofman in 1980 het Gesamtkunstwerk voor metrostation Nieuwmarkt, dat onderdeel vormt van de reeks kunstwerken in de metrostations van de Amsterdamse Oostlijn.

Greetings from the Nieuwmarkt | 21 February 2023
It has taken a while, but the art work ensemble in the underground metro station at Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam, is now complete again and fully restored at last. In 1980, Louis van Gasteren together with Jan Sierhuis, Bert Griepink, Roel van den Ende and Tine Hofman created the ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ for the Nieuwmarkt underground station, as part of a chain of station artworks along the Amsterdam East Line.

The Rebirth of the Poet | 7 February 2023
'Eat Your Mind: The Radical Life and Work of Kathy Acker' is a book by Jason McBride published in 2022, that sheds light on the life of Kathy Acker (1947-1997). It is the first full-scale authorized biography of the pioneering, experimental writer Kathy Acker. In addition to paying detailed attention to her other work, this biography also dedicates several pages to the theatrical performance: 'The Birth of the Poet'. What a pleasure to finally read something about the background and creation of this 'Gesamtkunstwerk' by Kathy Acker, Richard Foreman, Peter Gordon and David Salle!

XYZ | 25 October 2021
A recent acquisition - the announcement card by Dutch artist Maarten Ploeg for the 1985 exhibition 'XYZ' at Zeno X Gallery, Antwerpen, Belgium. A nice addition to my collection of interesting invitation cards by artists I like, or still like.

After all: A painting is never finished | 19 October 2021
This is one of my favourites in the early invitation collection, dating from my youth. On the front is a painting by Maarten Ploeg, from 1981.
I was fourteen then, when the re-emergence of expressive painting ('Neue Wilden') in Germany and Europe also flourished in the Netherlands, with a.o. Maarten Ploeg and Peter Klashorst at the forefront.
During the exhibition 'Ik schilder, dus ik ben', Maarten Ploeg together with Peter Klashorst painted over their paintings on show. After all: 'A painting is never finished'.

Dutch Painting | 19 August 2019
Here's an early original pen and ink drawing by artist René Daniëls in an exemplar of ‘Dutch Painting’ - an intimate ‘conversation’ between title and drawing on the title page.

Dokoupiliana | 14 June 2019
Let me show you three nice invitations cards from my ‘Dokoupiliana’ collection. The first is the invite to Georg Dokoupil’s impressive exhibition ‘Corporations & Products’, in Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne in 1985, consisting of paintings and sculptures of brand names in clay and paint. On the outer side, a portrait of the artist in a beret, pipe in mouth, in front of the ‘Rolex’ painting.

Early Works (1990) out of the Dustbin | 30 April 2019
A diptych from 1990 about painting and sculpture, with the artist's wordplay on 'Vermeer' and Delft Blue pottery.

Early Drawings (1984) out of the Dustbin | 18 March 2019
Drawings by Martijn Sandberg from 1984, fished out of the dustbin. A mixture of visual puns and rhymes, twisted titles and names. The series is about art, artworks and trends in the art world of the time that have now become art history. The three early drawings may also be seen as a portrait of the artist at the age of seventeen.

Back To Normal | 24 October 2018
Another gem from the personal archive, and a good read: the handwritten pamphlet by 'Gruppe Normal' - Peter Angermann, Jan Knap and Milan Kunc -, published in conjunction with a show held at Neue Galerie, Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen (D), in 1981.

Exvitations for Beautiful Exhibitions | 31 August 2018
Here are some cards, photographed in August 2018, from my personal archive of invitations to several René Daniëls exhibitions I visited in my teens.
Every one of them little works of art - with a drawing on the front the artist made specifically to announce the exhibition. The invitation as an 'Exvitation for Beautiful Exhibitions'; 'Innodiging voor Mooie Tentoonstellingen'.

Inventarisatie Naoorlogse Wandkunst Amsterdam | 6 december 2018
In de afgelopen twee jaar is Amsterdamse monumentale wandkunst uit de wederopbouwperiode (1945-1975), op verzoek van de Gemeenteraad, geïnventariseerd en beoordeeld.
Op donderdag 6 december 2018 organiseerde de gemeente Amsterdam een symposium over de inventarisatie en het onderzoek. In dit symposium werd door een aantal sprekers, waaronder Martijn Sandberg, de naoorlogse monumentale wandkunst vanuit verschillende invalshoeken belicht.

Inventory Post-War Wall Art Amsterdam | 6 December 2018
In the last two years at the request of the City Council, Amsterdam monumental wall art from the post-war reconstruction period (1945-1975) was listed and evaluated.
On Thursday 6 December 2018, the Amsterdam city council organised a symposium around the inventory and the survey. A number of speakers at this symposium, including Martijn Sandberg, discussed post-war monumental wall art from different perspectives.

Through The Lens of Louis van Gasteren | 1 March 2018
Louis van Gasteren (1922-2016) was a filmmaker, visual artist and 'seismographer of his time'. In 2011, Louis van Gasteren rang to invite me to visit him, in response to my contribution to the call for preservation of original artworks during the Amsterdam metro stations' Oostlijn renovation. Van Gasteren created the Gesamtkunstwerk 'Greetings from the Nieuwmarkt' in the station Nieuwmarkt with Jan Sierhuis, Bert Griepink, Roel van den Ende and Tine Hofman.

Favourite Sites in Amsterdam | 3 February 2018
Martijn Sandberg describes and photographs his choice of five locations in the city of Amsterdam. The article was previously published in the London-based magazine Citylikeyou in January 2012.

Instead Of DNB Must Not Be | 9 June 2015
Many people consider De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) Head Office at Frederiksplein to rank among the ugliest buildings in Amsterdam.
De Nederlandsche Bank is located where the Paleis voor Volksvlijt (Palace for National Industry) went up in flames in 1929. Some call for the De Nederlandsche Bank to be demolished in favour of rebuilding the Paleis voor Volksvlijt.
Demolishing De Nederlandsche Bank, however, would imply the permanent loss of an intriguing artwork to the Amsterdam street scene.

Artworks metro stations Early Documents | 5 August 2011
As a follow-up to the 'Demolition Ball and Battle of Waterloo' text in English and Dutch in my June blog, here is a collection of early documents related to the artworks created for the Amsterdam metro stations in the Seventies and early Eighties.
This historic material, photographed in July 2011, comes from the archives of Louis van Gasteren.

Slopersbal en Slag bij Waterloo | 29 Juni 2011
Bij de vernieuwing van de Oostlijn van de metro in Amsterdam dreigen in meerdere stations de karakteristieke kunstwerken, vervaardigd in de jaren zeventig en begin jaren tachtig, te verdwijnen.
Het is van cultureel belang te ageren en direct actie te ondernemen om de nog bestaande kunstwerken in de metrostations te behouden en te behoeden voor de slag van de slopersbal.

Demolition Ball and Battle of Waterloo | 29 June 2011
There is a danger that distinctive works of art created in the Seventies and early Eighties will vanish from several stations, as part of the Amsterdam Metro East Line renovation.
It is of real cultural importance to mount a campaign and take direct action to retain the works of art still existing in the metro stations, and to protect them from the strokes of the demolition ball.