De Oude Weg Naar De Nieuwe Tijd
Martijn Sandberg has created an integrated artwork for the gateways and the floor of the new building project 'Spaarndammerhart' in the Spaarndammer district, Amsterdam. The artwork is an integral part of the building complex by Korth Tielens Architecten, Marcel Lok Architect MLA, and DS Landschapsarchitecten.
The site-specific art by Martijn Sandberg is executed as a brick relief in the masonry of the three archways and within paving stones upon the floor to the interior courtyard: 'De Oude Weg Naar De Nieuwe Tijd'.
Make Love Not War
The site-specific artwork ‘Make Love Not War’ by Martijn Sandberg, forms part of the transformation of the former Tapijn Barracks (Tapijnkazerne), Maastricht.
The artwork figuration is incorporated in the paving of the main path, using bricks. It lies in the park-like surroundings of the former military terrain.
A never-ending 'canon', a 'refrain' of each time is written in stone: 'Make Love Not War, Make Love Not War, Make Love'.
U Bevindt Zich Hier
The artwork 'U Bevindt Zich Hier' ('You Are Here') by Martijn Sandberg, honours prominent residents, groups or places highlighting the character of District Amsterdam Oost in the twentieth century.
Consisting of more than 20 columns, the artwork is located on the Oranje Vrijstaatkade, from City Office Oost, alongside the facade of the former Ooster gasworks and on the waterside of the residential area to the corner by the Polderweg.
Hier Komt Kunst
Public artwork ‘Hier Komt Kunst’ ('Reserved For Art'), with special clay bricks manufactured for the writing on the wall. It can be read in all directions - from left to right and in the opposite direction, from right to left. From announcing to questioning the announcement of a work of art: ‘Hier Komt Kunst’, ‘Komt Hier Kunst'? (‘Here Comes Art’, ‘Comes Art Here’?)
Silence Please Science Please
Martijn Sandberg has realised a site-specific artwork: an acoustic wall in the interior of the newly constructed Gorlaeus Beta Campus of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FWN), University of Leiden.
The perforated artwork is twenty metres long, seven metres high and lit from within. A sequence of words appears in the pattern of circles when the artwork is viewed from different sightlines. The words may be read in succession from left to right - but also from right to left, from above to below, from below to above and in diagonal reading order: 'Silence Please Science Please'.
One More Wall Well Done
Martijn Sandberg has realised a site-specific artwork on the Southern facade of the First building, on the Weena in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The brick facade relief covers a wall surface measuring three and half metres high and twenty seven metres long. A message has been left on the wall, written in relief with brick letters two and half metres high. A text becomes visible in the play of light and shadow: 'One more wall well done'.
De Sleutel Ligt Onder De Deurmat
Martijn Sandberg's site-specific artwork is integrated with the communal corner stair belonging to De Zilverling tower building at the Colijnstraat in Amsterdam.
A secret message lurks among the layers of the concrete stair treads. A message left unobtrusively, for your eyes only: 'the key is under the doormat'.
Morgen Komt Alles Goed
A rectangular paved artwork by Martijn Sandberg, is an integral part of the Kraaipan Square at the Hofmeyrstraat in the Transvaalbuurt, Amsterdam.
Lines delineate a text in the paving, a hidden message to the square's visitors, neighbourhood residents and passers-by. Over and over again when seeing it anew, today and every day: 'Tomorrow everything will be alright'.
The site-specific artwork 'Melodie' by Martijn Sandberg, is an integral part of the masonry of the residential block Couperus, Ypenburg, Den Haag.
The stanza from Louis Couperus' poem 'Melodie' (1886) is incorporated into the vertical and horizontal brick pattern of the façade, in dark coloured bricks in deep relief.
My Last Penny
'My Last Penny' by Martijn Sandberg is available in a multiple edition, issued by the Vereniging voor Penningkunst VPK/ Dutch Art Medal Society. The art medal refers to financial crisis. 'My Last Penny' in the outstretched hand of the artist. Donation or plea? Benefaction or begging? Charity or fast-change trick? A true confession or sham poverty?
U Heeft Tien Bewaarde Berichten
Martijn Sandberg's site-specific artwork on the concrete wall in the entrance hall of the Synagogue LJG in Amsterdam, refers to the location in a contemporary manner.
While looking at the interplay of light and lines high on the wall, the contours of letters become visible. A radiant message appears to the visitor. A message from above. Art with a message - from yesterday, today and tomorrow. When entering and leaving the Synagogue. A vision for now and forever more: 'You have ten saved messages'.
Het Wapen van Lochem
A façade artwork by Martijn Sandberg graces the Lochem Town Hall. A visitor to the Town Hall sees a concrete façade relief, built into the very frontage. The emblem describes the Lochem coat of arms. It arouses an association with centuries-old banderoles and modern banners. When sunbeams illuminate it, it resembles a digital display.
Glass Fragile Handle With Care
A figuration of dots has been realized on the transparent glass of the gallery and balconies by 'damaging' the glass surface through sandblasting. The point raster resembles the grid of a protective plastic bubble foil. A series of letters appears within the point raster, making an unending, continuous text visible over the full length of the glass. As if pre-printed packing tape has been pasted over the façade in four strips: 'Fragile, Glass, Handle With Care, Fragile, Glass, Handle With Care.'
I Will Survive
'I Will Survive' is a freestanding, golden-coloured sculpture by Martijn Sandberg, in Hardenberg, the Netherlands. It is located at the Mulopad, between the building LOC and the old cemetery Nijenstede adjacent to it.
Pas Op! Kunst! (Watch Out! Art!)
Black and white letters flash like an alarm signal. What is going on, what's that up there? You only see what is blinking so insistently when you look properly: 'Watch out! Art! Watch out! Art!'
Hallo, Is Daar Iemand?
The artwork 'Hallo, Is Daar Iemand?' ('Hello, Is Anybody Out There?') by Martijn Sandberg is a free standing iron wall 4.5 metres high and 24.5 metres long, with the artwork 'Ben Even Weg' ('Back Soon'), located in the district of Floriande in Hoofddorp/ NL.
Ben Even Weg
The artwork ‘Ben Even Weg’ ('Back Soon') by Martijn Sandberg is a free standing iron wall 4.5 metres high and 14.5 metres long, with the artwork ‘Hallo, Is Daar Iemand?’ (‘Hello, Is Anybody Out There?’, located in the district of Floriande in Hoofddorp/ NL.
Forever Young
'Forever Young' by Martijn Sandberg is a site-specific artwork integrated in the OSG Singelland College building in Drachten, The Netherlands. The artwork is in point relief on the entire facade of the curved building situated on the roofed-over central square of the school. A universal refrain, spreading over the pavilion’s skin like a form of acne: 'Sleep All Day, Party All Night, Forever Young, Never Grow Old'.
No Image No Message
It takes a second look to affirm what you thought you saw in the first place. A pattern, energetic and decorative, almost to the point of triviality - purely abstract forms repeated to produce an ornamental field.
But once you know, or see, that the ornamentation is based on letters, and that the letters form words, then the repetition acquires another quality. The single slogan becomes a chant. Over and over again, a thousand voices shout: 'No Image No Message!'
Forever in Stone
The site-specific artwork 'Forever in Stone' by Martijn Sandberg, is an integral part of the architecture of the district Olympisch Kwartier, Amsterdam. Steel clinkers form the pixels of a figuration in the brickwork of the planters, meandering along the plinths of the housing blocks throughout the district.
The artist allows the stones to speak. Those who listen, hear the endless song that is written in stone: 'Stoned Forever', 'Forever Stoned', 'Stoned Again' and 'Again'.
Power To The People
Site-specific artwork, transformer station Hoofddorpplein, Amsterdam. In the dark and caused by street lighting or the headlights of passing cars, the reflective yellow colored letters light up very brightly: 'Power To The People'.