Back To Normal | 24 October 2018
Another gem from the personal archive, and a good read: the handwritten pamphlet by ‘Gruppe Normal’ – Peter Angermann, Jan Knap and Milan Kunc -, published in conjunction with a show held at Neue Galerie, Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen (D), in 1981.
“Andere machen aus 1 Idee 1000 Bilder, ‘Normal’ macht aus 1 Idee 1 Bild” (“Normal’ makes only one picture, not thousands, out of one ideas”).
“Nur wer wirklich malen kann soll malen” (“Only people who know how should paint”).
This selection comes from my private collection of catalogues, invitations to exhibitions, artists books and art magazines.
Martijn Sandberg, 24 October 2018