Dokoupiliana | 14 June 2019
Let me show you three nice invitation cards from my ‘Dokoupiliana’ collection.
The first is the invite to Georg Dokoupil’s impressive exhibition ‘Corporations & Products’, in Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne in 1985, consisting of paintings and sculptures of brand names in clay and paint. On the outer side, a portrait of the artist in a beret, pipe in mouth, in front of the ‘Rolex’ painting.
On the second card is a portrait of the artist Georg Dokoupil as ‘clown’, shrouded in mist, amidst paint pots and canvas stretchers in the atelier Im Klapperhof, Cologne in 1983. The portrait as a parody of the artist, inspired by promptings from on high.
The third is the invitation card for the ‘Gemeinschaftsbilder’, a series of collaborative paintings by Walter Dahn and Georg Dokoupil, exhibited in Galerie ‘t Venster, Rotterdam in 1982, with the intriguing title: ‘Ein Pinsel’ (‘One Brush’).
-‘Corporations & Products’, Georg Dokoupil. Invitation card (outer side), Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, 1985.
-‘Portraits’, Georg Dokoupil. Invitation card, Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, 1983.
-‘Ein Pinsel’, Walter Dahn & Georg Dokoupil. Invitation card, Galerie ‘t Venster, Rotterdam, 1982.
This selection of ‘memorabila’, photographed in June 2018, comes from my personal collection of invitations to exhibitions by Georg Dokoupil and others. I visited the exhibitions in Germany and the Netherlands while in my teens.
Martijn Sandberg, 14 June 2019
‘Corporations & Products’, Georg Dokoupil. Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, 1985.
‘Corporations & Products’, Georg Dokoupil. Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, 1985.
‘Portraits’, Georg Dokoupil. Invitation card, Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, 1983.
‘Ein Pinsel’, Walter Dahn & Georg Dokoupil. Galerie ‘t Venster, Rotterdam, 1982.
‘Ein Pinsel’, Walter Dahn & Georg Dokoupil. Galerie ‘t Venster, Rotterdam, 1982.