‘Forever In Stone’, in documentary and publication | Jan 2017

The brick letters ‘Forever Stoned’ from Martijn Sandberg’s artwork ‘Forever in Stone’ in Amsterdam, are on view in the documentary series ‘Typo Safari’, by French filmmaker Thomas Sipp.

The complete series of typographic expeditions accross cities in Europe, with the episode on Amsterdam, can be viewed online at the website ARTE Creative.

For episode city ‘Amsterdam’, see:


Safari Typo Amsterdam

Based on the French documentary, a book has been released in the Netherlands, titled ‘Safari Typo Amsterdam’. The booklet is a brief typographic tour of letters in public space in Amsterdam, presented by type designer Bas Jacobs.
Featuring a.o. the brick letters from the artwork ‘Forever in Stone’ by Martijn Sandberg, and letter forms by Piet Kramer, Reinoud Oudshoorn, Anton Kurvers, Janno Hahn, Hijman Louis de Jong, René Knip.

Publication: ‘Safari Typo Amsterdam‘, ISBN 978 94 90913 66 3.

More info on artwork: ‘Forever in Stone‘, section ‘public artworks’.

‘Forever in Stone’, Martijn Sandberg, Amsterdam. (photo: Peter Cuypers)