The Making Of I Will Survive | 2006-2008

‘I Will Survive’. A contemporary reading of the Latin proverb ‘Ars longa, vita brevis’ – life is short, art long.

-“What’s that for?”
-“It looks like a fence, but it isn’t a fence.”
-“But what is it then?”
-“If it has no use as a fence or doesn’t serve anything, then it must be art.”
-“But what’s written there?”
-“Well, ‘I Will Survive’.”
-“But who says that?”
-“I see it and I did just say it myself, but it is often said that art speaks for itself.”
-“Well, I’m damned, now I get it. So if it is art, then art says ‘I Will Survive’?”
-“That is what’s there. And in any case, it was already there yesterday and probably will be tomorrow as well.”

Photos (work in progress) and imaginary conversation, site-specific sculpture ‘I Will Survive’.

-“Waar is dat voor?”
-“Het lijkt op een hek, maar het is geen hek.”
-“Maar wat is dat dan?”
-“Als het geen nut heeft als hek of nergens toe dient, dan zal het wel kunst zijn.”
-“Maar wat staat daar dan?”
-“Nou, ‘I Will Survive’.”
-“Maar wie zegt dat dan?”
-“Nou ja, ik zie het en ik zei het net zelf, maar men zegt vaak dat kunst voor zichzelf spreekt.”
-“Verdomd, nu je het zegt. Dus als het kunst is, dan zegt de kunst ‘I Will Survive’?”
-“Het staat daar. En het stond er in ieder geval gister ook al en wellicht ook morgen.”

Click here for photos of the realised artwork, in the section ‘public artworks’.

Title: ‘I Will Survive’
Artist: Martijn Sandberg
Location: Mulopad, LOC, Kerkhof Nijenstede, Hardenberg/ NL
Measurements: (lxhxw) 25m x 3m x 02.m
Material: gold metallic coated steel
Concept and figuration: 2006
Realisation and completion: 2008
Commissioned by: Municipality Hardenberg/ NL
Advice and supervision: Kunst & Cultuur Foundation, Overijssel/ NL

The making of ‘I Will Survive’, site-specific sculpture by Martijn Sandberg, 2007-2008.

The making of ‘I Will Survive’, site-specific sculpture by Martijn Sandberg, 2007-2008.

The making of ‘I Will Survive’, site-specific sculpture by Martijn Sandberg, 2007-2008.

The making of ‘I Will Survive’, site-specific sculpture by Martijn Sandberg, 2007-2008.