Cut Painting! – Martijn Sandberg, publication | Jan 2023
‘Cut Painting!’ is the title of the publication, published online as a sequel to the eponymous exhibition of Martijn Sandberg in the Burgerweeshuis, Amsterdam. The publication comprehensively displays the exhibition, with photos and Martijn Sandberg’s notes on the cut paintings and his choices from the BPD Art Collection.
Let yourself be guided through the story he has assembled from the cut paintings and the work by René Daniëls, Günther Förg, Daan van Golden, Reinier Lucassen, Pieter Laurens Mol, Jan van Munster, Maarten Ploeg, Jan Roeland, Jan Schoonhoven and Han Schuil.
The digital publication (Dutch/English) may be downloaded here as a pdf:
BPD Martijn Sandberg Cut Painting.pdf
Publication: Cut Painting! Martijn Sandberg
Format: Pdf, 34 pages, 7mb, A4
Design: Carsten Klein
Photos: Adriaan van Dam, Peter Cuypers
Text: BPD Kunst en Cultuur & Martijn Sandberg
Language: Dutch, English
Translation: Helen-Anne Ross
Publisher: BPD Afdeling Kunst en Cultuur
BPD Kunstcollectie
IJsbaanpad 1
1076 CV Amsterdam